Christophe Lance marketing internet et web designChristophe Lance marketing internet et web design (Mobile version)Logo Christophe Lance (Mobile)

Free quote

We are sending a free quote, without engagement. It is easy to be fooled by offers like "your website at a knockdown price" before realizing that the details of the services do not include this, that this essential element is charged extra or that in two years it will be necessary to update or change this innovative framework after the departure of its developer.

Each website project is different. A few pages of presentation with a contact form might be enough for a small website, while a bigger company may assign us to design a blog and manage a full internet marketing campaign.

Our rates are affordable and the cost of designing a standard website is not more expensive than buying one ad space in a newspaper, moreover the lifespan of the main open source CMS is at least 5 years when they are regularly updated.

Package for Small business or NGO

A lot of investment may be needed to launch a small business company or a NGO, especially in communication and promotional materials. We offer a package fulfilling your basic design and marketing needs:

  • A corporate website with an administration interface on frontend.
  • Basic search engine marketing campaign management and optimization.
  • Training for CMS management.
  • Design of a simple logotype or an original brand mark (optional). 
  • Payment plans available.

Maintenance packages and outsourcing for agencies

A website whose CMS or framework is never updated will become inefficient and insecure.

  • We offer annual maintenance packages including technical updates and SEO. The cost depends on the type of intervention to be carried out.
  • We may also work for your agency as a subcontractor to create or update your clients' websites.

Usually, we provide a free quote for the first task you wish to have completed on your website. If you agree with the quote and the task is completed to the satisfaction of both parties, a maintenance package can be established for future work, or we can simply provide services on an as-needed basis.

Coaching or Troubleshooting

We can provide training on techniques for creating, updating, or promoting your website. If you have created your own website, we can assist you with the more technical aspects, such as debugging, optimization, or securely installing your site on your hosting.

Low cost site for small business / NGO
Low cost site for small business / NGO

Free quote and information